Hanna Instruments Multiparameter Meter

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Portable field meters from Hanna
Model No HI 9829
pH Range 0.00 to 14.00 pH/±600.0 mV
pH Resolution 0.01 pH / 0.1 mV
pH Accuracy ±0.02 pH / ±0.5 mV
ORP Range ±2000.0 mV
ORP Resolution 0.1 mV
ORP Accuracy ±1.0 mV
Nitrogen Range
0.02 to 200 ppm (as N)
Nitrogen Resolution
0.01 ppm to 1 ppm; 0.1 ppm to 200 ppm
Nitrogen Accuracy
±5% of reading or 2 ppm, whichever is greater
Chloride Range 0.6 to 200 ppm
Chloride Resolution 0.01 ppm to 1 ppm; 0.1 ppm to 200 ppm
Chloride Accuracy ±5% of reading or 2 ppm, whichever is greater
Nitrate-Nitrogen Range 0.62 to 200 ppm (as N)
Nitrate-Nitrogen Resolution 0.01 ppm to 1 ppm; 0.1 ppm to 200 ppm
Nitrate-Nitrogen Accuracy ±5% of reading or 2 ppm, whichever is greater
Conductivity Range 0 to 200 mS/cm (absolute EC up to 400 mS/cm)
Conductivity Resolution manual: 1 µS/cm; 0.001 mS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm; 1 mS/cm; automatic: 1 µS/cm from 0 to 9999 µS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/cm;
Conductivity Accuracy ±1% of reading or ±1 µS/cm, whichever is greater
TDS Range 0 to 400000 mg/L or ppm
TDS Resolution manual: 1 mg/L (ppm); 0.001 g/L (ppt); 0.01g/L (ppt); 0.1 g/L (ppt); 1 g/L (ppt); autorange scales: 1 mg/L (ppm) from 0 to 9999 mg/L (ppm); 0.01 g/L (ppt) from 10.00 to 99.99 g/L (ppt); 0.1 g/L (ppt) from 100.0 to 400.0 g/L (ppt);
TDS Accuracy ±1% of reading or ±1 mg/L
Resistivity Range 0 to 999999 Ω•cm; 0 to 1000.0 kΩ•cm; 0 to 1.0000 MΩ•cm
Resistivity Resolution dependent on resistivity reading
Resistivity Accuracy dependent on resistivity reading
Salinity Range 0.00 to 70.00 PSU
Salinity Resolution 0.01 PSU
Salinity Accuracy ±2% of reading or ±0.01 PSU
Seawater σ Range 0 to 50.0 st, s0, s15
Seawater σ Resolution 0.1 σt, σ0, σ15
Seawater σ Accuracy ±1 σt, σ0, σ15
Turbidity Range 0.0 to 99.9 FNU; 100 to 1000 FNU
Turbidity Resolution 0.1 FNU from 0.0 to 99.9 FNU; 1 FNU from 100 to 1000 FNU
Turbidity Accuracy ±0.3 FNU or ±2% of reading
Dissolved Oxygen Range 0.0 to 500.0%; 0.00 to 50.00 ppm
Dissolved Oxygen Resolution 0.1%; 0.01 ppm
Dissolved Oxygen Accuracy greater; 300.0 to 500.0%: ±3% of reading; 0.00 to 30.00 ppm: ±1.5% of reading or 0.10 ppm, whichever is greater; 30.00 ppm to 50.00 ppm: ±3% of reading
Atm. Pressure Range 450 to 850 mm Hg; 17.72 to 33.46 in Hg; 600.0 to 1133.2 mbar; 8.702 to 16.436 psi; 0.5921 to 1.1184 atm; 60.00 to 113.32 kPa
Atm. Pressure Resolution 0.1 mm Hg; 0.01 in Hg; 0.1 mbar; 0.001 psi; 0.0001 atm; 0.01 kPa
Atm. Pressure Accuracy ±3 mm Hg within ±15°C from the temperature during calibration
Temp. Range -5.00 to 55.00°C; 23.00 to 131.00°F; 268.15 to 328.15K
Temp. Pressure Resolution 0.01°C; 0.01°F; 0.01K
Temp. Pressure Accuracy ±0.15°C; ±0.27°F; ±0.15K
Memory 44,000 records
Output USB PC Connector
Output USB PC Connector