BioFortis, Inc.

Biofortis_logoBioFortis was formed in 2002 by transfer of the Labmatrix® technology from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where it was developed in the Department of Pathology. BioFortis gained recognition with prestigious early adopters such as NHGRI and NCI, and has since become a leading provider of information management solutions for the translational life science research community. Our Labmatrix and Qiagram software solutions are focused on empowering researchers by collecting and harmonizing data and providing a compliant, holistic and collaborative environment for effective research.  Since commercial release, Labmatrix and Qiagram have has grown to support numerous organizations in a variety of application areas including biobanking, translational, clinical and genetic research, personalized medicine and biomarker studies. Today, professionals from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, government, research hospital and academic segments make use of BioFortis.

The company focuses on cutting-edge software to empower researchers to make data useful by making data smarter, so that they can make intelligent decisions to power the next discovery. The innovative software solutions unleash the creativity of researchers by removing the barriers to accessing, exploring and querying today’s data intensive environments to deliver actionable scientific insights.


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