India Lab Expo 2013 Ends with over 8600 Footfalls

The 5th edition of India Lab Expo – An International Exhibition and Conference on Scientific, Laboratory, Analytical and Biotechnology Instruments concluded recently in Hyderabad came to an end. India Lab Expo 2013 was a 3 day event held alongside PHARMAbiotika from 21st to 23rd November that attracted over 200 exhibitors from around the world.
The expo dealing with latest trends in technology and equipment used for scientific laboratory, life sciences and analytical applications attracted more than 8600 visitors over a period of three days. The visitors included laboratory professionals, scientists, scientific equipment dealers and service providers. India Lab Expo 2013 was well received especially by students. There was a significant participation by curious students pursuing degrees in life sciences and pharmaceutical sciences from various colleges across the state.
International companies from countries like Germany, China, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Netherlands etc. registered their presence in India Lab Expo 2013, making it a truly international event. ILE Seminar on Laboratory and Analytical Instrumentation and Technology was also organized as a part of the India Lab Expo, where about 25 eminent speakers from industry and even academia from different countries shared knowledge about the latest developments and trends in laboratory, pharmaceutical instrumentation and techniques with a diverse audience.