Blockchain Reality Sets in on DNA Sequencing Startups
With the falling value of cryptocurrency, startups which promised to utilize the power of blockchain have fast disappeared. No longer are many of the companies giving importance to the use of blockchain or in even some cases completely removed the reference to crypto from their websites.
Wearing off of the global crypto-flu has suddenly made these companies realize that blockchain might not actually be a feasible technological alternative and ay remain theoretical. While the potential of blockchain as a secure and interoperable distributed public storage are quite real, the probability that any of the current blockchains will support hundreds of MB’s of data in blocks are highly doubtful.
We look below at some of the companies that announced blockchain based genetic storage and where they are currently.
Luna DNA
Formed: 2018
Tokens: Yes and No
Read Length: Focused on Particular
Genetic Testing Kits: Planned
The biggest U-turn has been by LunaDNA, the company’s website no longer mentions any plans of storing the DNA of its customer on the blockchain. Even mentions of its token can no longer be found after getting an approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Detroit based Public Benefit Company planned to allow its customers to opt-in to share their genetic and health information for Luna Tokens. Companies and researchers that use this information would be research institutes and hospitals who would in compensate in the form of Luna tokens. The plan is to start sharing the genetic data by the end of 2019, however the company has yet to begin selling its genetic gathering kits or even working with research institutes to collect DNA data.
Nebula Genomics
Formed: 2018
Tokens: No
Read Length: Full
Genetic Testing Kits: Launched
Backed by none other than Dr. George Church, Nebula Genomics still maintains that they will be using blockchain to provide access to DNA data. With subsidized genetic testing ongoing since December 2018, the company has yet to start releasing data of their customers, meaning they are still trying to figure out the blockchain development aspect of the process.
The company currently sells its $99 subsidized genetic tests that sequence more than what 23andMe or other companies currently do. With the promise of sequencing the entire genetic sequence and make it available on the blockchain freely to the owners and for a price to other companies who are interested in research or scaring and selling preventive treatments to the same owners.
After three months of its $99 kits going on sale, the company has yet to have an ICO for selling its tokens.
Formed: 2017
Tokens: Trading Live @ 2 cents
Read Length: Focused on Key Locations
Genetic Testing Kits: Genetic Test from 23andMe, Ancestry, Codigo46
An early entrant into the genetic data on blockchain space, EncrypGen has released the GeneChain 1.0 version of its DNA equipped. According to its whitepaper, the platform will utilize Google’s cloud storage facilities to store data and provide access keys via GeneChain. Next to be launched line is a browser based viewing and DNA access control dashboard that will allow owners of the genetic data to block and give access to certain parts of their code.
Formed: 2018
Tokens: Private Sale Ongoing
Read Length: Focused on Key Locations
Genetic Testing Kits: Preorders Open
The Russian startup set out to also put consumers in control of their genomic data and monetize from the same. Starting with a hybrid platform where in the data will not be directly loaded onto blockchain, but instead be hosted elsewhere, similar to EncrypGen. The blockchain-based, peer-to-peer technology will automate collection and sharing of genomic data in part by allowing individuals to upload their own DNA profiles control which researchers may access and add to each secure store of information.
Formed: 2014
Tokens: No Updates
Read Length: Limited data from Genetic Test from 23andMe, Ancestry, Codigo46
Genetic Testing Kits: Not Planned
Genecoin in by far the oldest and the most elementary of the companies set out to put your DNA on the blockchain. The company aims to upload sequenced genetic data directly onto Bitcoin itself. While the operations or development has yet begin, with a 1MB file size limit of Bitcoin blocks, the company probably only manages to upload data from 23andMe and other companies and not the whole genome.