Andreessen Horowitz Launches BioFund III

Andreessen Horowitz’s led a16z fund has announced a new $750M bio fund: Bio Fund III focusing on engineering and biology based companies involved in R&D.
Driven by Vineeta Agarwala, Jorge Conde, Vijay Pande, and Julie Yoo, the fund is redefining what bio means. Now under BioFund III all Tech, biotech, and healthcare systems are being merging and treated as a singular entity.
The Following are some investments by BioFund I and BioFund II.

Some of the other investments by the a16z fund include:
- 21, Inc.
- 27Bards
- 42Floors
- 451 Degrees
- 500px
- 7 Cups of Tea
- 8Tracks
- 99Dresses
- A Capital
- Abacus
- Accolade
- Actifio
- ActionIQ
- AeroFS
- Affirm
- AgLocal
- Airbnb
- Airbrite
- Airtime
- Airware
- Alation
- All Def Digital
- Allset
- Alluxio
- AltSchool
- Amiato
- Ampersand
- Amplitude
- Anchorage
- Anduril
- Anki
- AnyRoad
- Anyscale
- Apcera
- Apeel
- Apollo
- Applied Intuition
- Apptimize
- Apptio
- Apropose
- Arimo
- Artillery Games
- Arweave
- Asana
- Asimov
- Asseta
- Astranis
- Atrium
- Authy
- Automatic Labs
- Automaton
- Aviate
- Axoni
- Balanced
- Barefoot Networks
- Basis
- bebop
- Belong Home
- Benchling
- BigScreen
- Binary Thumbs
- BioAge Labs
- Bitcasa
- Bitcoin
- BitYota
- Blend Labs
- Blockspring
- BlockTower Capital
- BlocPower
- BloomNation
- BloomThat
- Bluestack Systems
- Boku
- Bonfire Studios
- Boosted
- Box
- Bracket Computing
- BrainTripping
- Branch
- Bromium
- Bufferbox
- BuildZoom
- Bump
- Butter Systems
- BuzzFeed
- Caffeine
- Camp4
- Canopy Labs
- Canvas Networks
- Capriza
- Cardiogram
- Carta
- Casetext
- Cask Data
- Cavia
- Cazena
- Celo
- Chia
- Chute
- Ciitizen
- CipherCloud
- CircuitHub
- CircuitLab
- ClearSlide
- Clearstory Data
- Clever
- Clinkle
- Clipboard
- Cloudera
- Clover Networks
- CodeCombat
- Coho Data
- Coinbase
- Collections Labs
- Compound
- CoreOS
- Cresta
- Cross River Bank
- Crowdery
- CrowdMed
- CrowdMob
- Cumulus Networks
- Cybertoka
- Cyngn
- Dapper Labs
- Data Elite Services
- DataBricks
- DataGravity
- DataPad
- DCB Technologies
- DeepMap
- Delphix
- Descript
- Devoted Health
- Diaspora
- digg
- DigitalOcean
- Dispatch
- Distelli
- Divvy Homes
- Doctor on Demand
- DogVacay
- Dollar Shave Club
- Domo
- DoNotPay
- DoorDash
- Double Robotics
- Doxel
- Dreamforge
- Drishti Technologies
- Drone Capital I
- Dropbox
- Dwolla
- dYdX
- Earn Holdings
- Earnest
- Earnin
- Easel
- Eclypsium
- ElasticBox
- Eligible
- Enjoy Technologies
- Envoy
- EQRx
- Erasca
- Essence Ventures
- Estimote
- Ethereum
- Etleap
- Eve
- Everlaw
- Exec
- Factual
- Fanatics Holdings
- FiftyThree
- Filecoin
- Fivetran
- FlightCar
- Flightfox
- Floobits
- Flutter
- Flux
- FlyHomes
- Forward Networks
- Foursquare
- Freenome
- FundersClub
- Fusion Multisystems
- Gainspeed
- Galxyz
- Genesis Therapeutics
- Getable
- GetGoing
- Gigster
- GitHub
- GitStar
- Glio
- Glow
- Go-Scale
- Gobble
- Goldbel
- Golden Recursion
- GoodData
- GoTenna
- Graft Concepts
- Granular
- Greply
- Grouper
- Groupon
- Gusto
- Hackermeter
- Hackpad
- Halo Neuro
- Handshake
- Harbor
- Harbor Platform
- Harpoon
- Hatch Loyalty
- Health IQ
- HealthSherpa
- Healthy Labs
- Heap
- Highfive Technologies
- Hipcamp
- Hiptype
- Hireart
- HomeJoy
- Honor
- HUM Industries
- Human DX
- HumanAPI
- Hyperink
- iCracked
- Illumio
- imgfave
- Imgur
- Imply Data
- Improbable
- Incredible Health
- Infer
- Insitro
- Instabase
- Instacart
- Instart Logic
- Interana
- IronSpread
- ItsOn
- Jackalope Labs
- Jerpix
- Journera
- Julep Beauty
- Jumio
- June
- Jungla
- Just Fabulous
- Kadabra
- Kamcord
- Keep Network
- Keybase
- Keychain Logisitics
- Kippt
- Kitchit
- Knowable
- KoBold Metals
- Komodo Health
- Kong
- Koru Careers
- Lawdingo
- Layer by Layer
- LeanMarket
- Leap Motion
- Leap Transit
- LearnSprout
- LearnUp
- LendUp Global
- Lever
- Libra
- Lime
- Listia
- Little Borrowed Dress
- Local Motion
- LocalOn
- LocoMobi
- Loft
- Lookout
- Lunchclub
- Luma Home
- LVL6
- Lyft
- Lytmus
- Lytro
- Magic Leap
- Magnet Systems
- Make School
- Maker
- Marft
- Massive Health
- Mattermark
- Matternet
- MatterPort
- Maxta
- Mayvenn
- Media Chain
- MediaSpike
- Medigram
- Medigram, Inc.
- Medium
- Medmonk
- MeetMe
- Meitre
- Mesosphere
- MicroEval
- Midnox
- MightyHive
- Milkshake Labs
- Mino Monsters
- Mixpanel
- Morta Security
- Mosaic Building Group
- mth Sense
- Namo Media
- Natero
- NationBuilder
- Neighbor
- Netlify
- New Preact
- NewJPhone
- NewsBlur
- Nicira Networks
- Noodle Labs
- Nouvou
- Nuzzel
- Oasis Labs
- Oculus VR
- OfferUp
- Okta
- Omada Health
- Oncorps
- One Month
- OneHealthCompany
- Onshape
- Openbay
- OpenBazaar
- Opendoor
- OpenGov
- Optimizely
- Orchid Labs
- Orderful
- Overtime
- PagerDuty
- Panorama Education
- Parallel Universe
- Parsable
- PatientPing
- PatternEQ
- PayTango
- PeerStreet
- Per Vices
- Percolata
- PiCloud
- Pietra
- Pindrop Security
- Pixate
- Pixlee
- Plaid
- PlanetScale
- Platfora
- Plivo
- Point
- Polychain
- Premise
- Preset
- Prism Skylabs
- Product Hunt
- Propel
- Proven
- Puddle
- Q Bio
- Quantifind
- Quantopian
- Quirky
- Rabbit
- Radiant Entertainment
- Rainforest QA
- Rap Genius
- RapidAPI
- Rappi
- RC Chirp
- Red Hot Labs
- Reflektive
- Rescale
- RethinkDB
- Rigetti & Co
- RigUp
- Ringly
- Ripple
- Rival Labs
- Rive
- Robinhood
- Rockmelt
- Runscope
- Samsara
- Sandbox VR
- Scanly
- Science Exchange
- Scoutzie
- Screenhero
- Screenleap
- SentiLink
- Shapeways
- Shield AI
- Shield Diagnostics
- ShoeDazzle
- Shoptiques
- ShortCircuit
- Sigma
- SignalFx
- Signifyd
- SigOpt
- Silver Tail
- Simplelegal
- Simpler
- Singularity6
- Sisu Data
- Skout
- Skydio
- Skype
- Skysafe
- Slack
- SmartAsset
- Smartcar
- Snackpass
- SnapBite
- Snaplogic
- Social Nation
- Socialcam
- Socratic
- Soha Systems
- SolidStage
- SolveBio
- Sourcery Technologies
- Soylent
- SpoonRocket
- Stack Exchange
- Stack Machine
- Standard Treasury
- Statwing
- Stripe
- Study Edge
- Stuph
- StyleSaint
- Submittable
- Substack
- Super Evil Megacorp
- Superhuman
- Swell
- Swiftype
- Switch Communications
- Symbio Robotics
- Synapse
- Syntertainment
- Talaria Technologies
- Talko
- Talkray
- Tally
- Tanium
- Tapsense
- Tasty Labs
- Teespring
- Teleborder
- Teleport
- TellFi
- Tenfold
- The Atavist
- ThirdLove
- Thread
- Threadflip
- Tidemark
- Tilt
- Tindie
- TinyCo.
- TipBit
- Tipgain
- Tlon Corporation
- Tmunity
- Tomfoolery
- Tomo Guides
- TopProspect
- ToutApp
- Tracksby
- Tradeblock
- TransferWise
- Translation Enterprises
- TripActions
- True Link Financial
- Trullo
- Trust Token
- Trustable
- Tsumobi
- Tugboat Yards
- Twice
- Twilio
- TXN Solutions
- uBiome
- Udacity
- UnifyID
- Unravel Data Systems
- Usermind
- UXPin
- VacayHero
- Vastrm
- Very Good Security
- Viacycle
- Viki
- Virool
- Virtual Kitchen
- Visan
- Walker & Co. Brands
- Wave
- Web Van 2.0
- Webflow
- Weft
- Wefunder
- Weilos
- WeMash
- Wevorce
- Wholeshare
- Wireover Co.
- Wit.AI
- WizzyWig
- Wonderschool
- Workboard
- Yard Club
- YCVC W14
- Yubico
- Zapier
- ZeFrank Company
- Zencoder
- Zenefits
- Zentail
- Zipline International
- Zulily
- Zumper
- Zynga
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