Advanced CORTECS UPLC Columns with Solid Core Particle Technology

There is always a demand for constant improvement in advanced chromatography and other separation and analytical instruments in the scientific industry. The requirement is fuelled by the ever increasing complexity of research that is being conducted these days. It is essential for the equipment manufacturing companies to keep up with these changing requirements and address them.
Waters Corporation, leading analytical science solutions provider for laboratories has introduced a new family of UltraPerformance LC Columns. The new CORTECS Columns are 1.6 micron solid core high efficiency columns that allow laboratories to produce large amounts of information with every chromatographic separation.
The new CORTECS Columns are available in C18, C18+ or HILIC chemistries and has 30 unique configurations. These columns introduced at HPLC 2013 in Amsterdam responds to the laboratories’ requirement for speed, resolution and sensitivity, and can be used with the company’s ACQUITY UPLC, ACQUITY UPLC I-Class and ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Systems to achieve previously unattainable levels of performance.
The Waters COTRECS Columns have a solid impermeable silica core encased in porous silica outer layer, where the interactions between stationary phase and analytes occur. CORTECS C18 general purpose reverse phase columns offer balanced retention of acids, bases and neutrals at low and mid-range pH. The CORTECS C18+ has a positively charged surface for delivering excellent peak shape for basic compounds at low pH. The CORTECS HILIC Columns are designed for retaining extremely polar analytes while offering orthogonal selectivity versus C18 columns. The users can avail full benefits of solid core particle technology with Waters CORTECS UPLC Columns.
Source: Waters Corp.