Biotage Launches Integrated Isolera Dalton System

The new Isolera Dalton Mass Directed Flash Chromatography system, recently launched by Biotage is a fully automated miniaturized mass directed flash purification system that combines a miniaturized mass detector and an advanced flash chromatography system into a single platform. The Isolera Dalton system is first its kind to allow collection of targeted mass fractions of compounds on a flash system.
Biotage’s Isolera Dalton Nanolink unit integrates the mass detector with Isolera Spektra flash purification system. It is an intelligent sampling unit responsible for handling fluids and syncing calculations between both these units. Biotage’s Isolera Dalton identifies the compounds in real-time during the purification process and the flash fractionation process enables the system to collect the right product.
Isolera Dalton fits easily into fume hoods and can be used for both normal and reverse phase separations and the system can easily accommodate columns of different sizes and flow rates. The simple wizard based approach for method development with simple on screen prompts makes it easier for chemists to utilize the functions system has to offer.
Source: Biotage
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