Biotechnica, Europe’s No.1 Event for Lab Tech, in Hannover


Biotechnica 2015, Europe´s most important event for biotechnology, life science and lab technology, will take place in Hannover between October 6th and 8th. This year, Biotechnica will be celebrated in conjunction with Labvolution, a trade show that covers lab technology from industry sectors other than biotechnology. Both events will explore current trends towards biologization and digitalization.

While digitalization is quite obvious and well-represented in our daily lives. biologization is not so evident. This new trend refers to the application of biotechnology to many industry processes, and is a powerful source of innovation. Many traditional industries -chemicals, pharmaceuticals, energy and materials – are being, according to this definition, biologized. Dr. Siegfried Bialojan, member of the Biotechnica and Labvolution advisory board, cites examples like textiles obtained from spider silk, gases converted into plastics, or food produced with the aid of yeast.

Biotechnica Plaza and the Bio-IT marketplace

A new marketplace, Bio-IT, will be presented this year next to the Bioeconomy and Personalized Medicine Technologies marketplaces. These three forums will explore the interrelation and mutual influences between IT and biotechnology. The Biotechnica Plaza will be the connecting hub for these marketplaces, as well as the meeting place for networking and partnering. Biotechnica is still the only meeting of its kind that covers red, white and green biotechnology, ranging from basic research to commercial products.

Labvolution and smartLAB

Labvolution-1_small_teaser_image_leftLabvolution is a new event that will present technology for laboratories dedicated to research, analysis, production and training. It will feature smartLAB, a collaborative project between scientists and business people to design an intelligent model laboratory. There will be live demonstrations of applications that are changing labs worldwide and a forum discussing the “Laboratory 4.0”.

Source: Biotechnica


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