EMBO Announces Lab Management and Negociation Course for Females

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) has announced the celebration of a laboratory management course for females, focused on interpersonal aspects like communication abilities and negociation. These EMBO courses aim to boost self-confidence and self-awareness in females with leadership roles. The course will take place from 8 to 10 June 2016 in Leimen, near Heidelberg, Germany.
The workshop will allow women managers to identify different forms of communication, use effective -verbal and non-verbal- questioning and listening techniques, understand each step of the negotiation process, and build relationships based on interest or opportunity, avoiding conflict. During three days, the attendees will actively engage in group discussion, role play and case studies. They will discuss their own experiences and receive valuable feedback.
On the first day, a session on personality, bias and stereotypes will allow attendees understand better how their character influences the way they interact with others, and will learn to recognize and handle their cognitive biases. A session on negotiation will follow, where attendants will learn to manage relationships and understand the conditions and requirements of the 5-steps negociation process. The second day will start with the design of a negociation roadmap, and end with a session about communication skills and tools and the structure of a negotiation meeting. The third day will be devoted to conflict: its complexity, evolution, management and resolution.
Other EMBO management courses
During 2016, EMBO will organize 10 laboratory management courses for postdocs. Attendees will learn about cultural differences, leadership, the group leader role, the expectation placed on postdocs and the importance of changing roles and perspectives.
EMBO will also organize six laboratory management courses for group leaders. The attendees will enjoy sessions on role awareness, working styles, communication, team development, motivation, personality and leadership, conflict management, coaching, recruiting and delegating.
Source: EMBO