Google Enters Genome Storage with Google Genomics

Google has launched the low cost genome storage service Google Genomics. The company can now store and compare thousands –and soon millions- of genomes in their servers. Google Genomics is expected to prompt new discoveries and better diagnostics by comparing an unprecedented number of genomes using the company’s technology.
Amazon, IBM and Microsoft will soon be competing DNA storage space for terabytes of data never handled before by biologists. Currently, Google Genomics charges $25 a year for storing one genome, although a “polished” version can be stored for $0.25. Researchers affirm the prices are dropping and the price of storage in the cloud is now similar to keeping a data center.
Google has been working with scientists to build an interface for easy access to the database. Startups like Tute Genomics, DNANexus, Seven Bridges, and NextCode Health have also entered the field and are building browsers for researchers and hospitals, using Amazon or Google serves for scientific data storage.
National Cancer Institute Jumps on Cloud
The National Cancer Institute has decided to move all its cancer patients’ data to Amazon and Google Genomics data centers. The objective is to share information in cancer genome clouds where researchers will be able to run virtual experiments online, without the need to download and store gigabytes of data.
Google Genomics is going to be revolutionary in the way scientists work with data. Massive data cloud storage and Google’s search technology will allow a giant leap in genomics and systems biology, for the first time making personal genomic medicine a reality.