Microryza: Help Unhealable Wounds Heal

Millions of diabetic patients around the world suffer wounds that never heal, some that lead to amputation of limbs. Researchers at University of California-Riverside are seeking funds on Microryza to develop a diagnostic tool for predicting treatment for a patient’s non-healing wounds. The development of the diagnostic chip called WoundCure, is based on the 17 gene chip currently available for testing prostate tumors. WoundCure would be extremely useful for millions of people around the world who develop diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers and other similar chronic wounds. The funds will help the team of three researchers lead by Dr. Manuela Martics Green to identify the crucial genes involved in wound healing. With $8,000 of the $20,000 already funded, the crowdfunding campaign needs just a little push to kick start the development of WoundCure.