Scientific Publishers Cancel Greek Academics Access to Their Contents

Greek universities and research centers have lost access to scientific journals. The Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link) service was terminated the 1st of July. The HEAL-Link informed of the termination of the agreements with all publishers due to “inability to collect the remaining half of the budget for the current year”. HEAL-Link was able to extend the closure date for 3 months. However, they still carry debts from 2013 and 2014 to some publishers. The authorities keep looking for alternatives sources of funding.
HEAL-Link covered for some time the costs of the publishing licences for the universities and institutes that could not afford payment anymore. Now, HEAL-Link is unable to pay either. Greek academics will keep access to the journals from the periods already paid, but will not have access to new issues. A new agreement is sought after to end this unsustainable situation.