Secretive Technology Behind Google’s Cancer Detecting Pill

Google’s super-secretive life science research lab at Google X is working on a magnetized pill that helps diagnose cancer, predict heart attacks and other diseases in the quickest time possible. The Nanoparticle platform, as it is being called, is combined with a wearable device that controls and receives signals from the magnetic pill.
While many other researchers have previously worked on using magnetized antibody particles to detect particular proteins in vitro, little research has been done to test these in humans. Mostly because once the nanoparticles somehow enter the body via stomach, there is no way to read them unless they are excreted out of the body. Other challenges are keeping these nanoparticles from being thrown out by the body’s immune system and finally reading signals.
Google’s magnetized antibody particles are designed to spread throughout the body and latch on to abnormal cells where ever they find them. The wearable device somehow monitors signals these particles to detach and report abnormalities. If researchers at Google X have managed to solve the puzzle of recalling these nanoparticles either magnetically or chemically, they are essentially creating nanobots that the wearable is controlling at its will. The technology behind this could have huge potential applications in other areas such as releasing drugs or even environmental monitoring. However, there isn’t much anyone can predict without understanding the Star Trek like technology behind it.
The undergoing research was revealed by Andrew Conrad, the head of the Life Sciences division at Google X. He stressed on the point of proactive healthcare, direction where most of the latest research is heading towards. He did not disclose about the stage at which the nanoparticle platform is currently at. Regulatory hurdles aside, the nanoparticles are nowhere close to being commercially or clinically available. Google is currently looking for commercial partners to further develop, test and bring this to market.
Diabetes Detecting Contact Lenses
Earlier this year Google also announced contact lenses that double as diabetes detectors. Integrated with tiny chips, leds and sensors, the lenses light up when the glucose levels are high. The lenses don’t need changing batteries since it receives power via radio frequencies.