Sony DADC Biosciences and SCHOTT AG Develop a Novel Hybrid Slide for Cell Imaging

Sony DADC Biosciences in collaboration with SCHOTT AG, a well known manufacturer of high quality speciality glass products have developed a special glass-polymer cell detection slide for imaging cells. These new slides combines the advantages of moulded plastic chips and super flat glass cover to provide a robust, ultra flat slide for use with confocal microscopy for high resolution cell imaging.
This novel hybrid slide has an acrylic base of 1 mm thickness with a 170 µm thick glass cover. The imaging chamber on these slides is about 100 µm deep. Thanks to its flatness, thin chamber design and low background fluorescence, these glass-polymer hybrid slides display exceptional optical performance. These slides were introduced to the public at the recently concluded Biotechnica 2013 in Hannover, Germany and the companies plan to develop more products based on hybrid design for a wide range of applications.
Source: Sony DADC Biosciences