Genotyping Platform with Pre-Amplification from Fluidigm
Fluidigm just launched its new SNP genotyping platform with pre-amplification called Juno. The new platform targets the production genomics market segment specifically those involved in the industrial application of genetics. This new sample prep engine is a breakthrough of traditional SNP genotyping with its short turnaround time of less than three hours and the ability to genotype low-concentration DNA samples from tissue, buccal swabs, polyploidy organisms and FFPE.
Fluidigm is the pioneer of life sciences particularly in developing easy-to-use platform for single-cell testing. The newest Juno systems from the company realigned design and future vision incorporate preamplification and genotyping of up to 96 samples and 96 assays on a single integrated fluid circuit (IFC) and a set of master mixes. With its single-step workflow, this platform eliminates risks of error and PCR contamination that may arise in a typical multi-step hands-on protocol. Clinical labs are certain to benefit from this as Juno produces rapid and accurate results. It is also meant for use in sample identification, quality control and DNA fingerprinting. It designed to be extremely easy-to-use with a promise of 9,216 data points from just 5.5 ng total input DNA in under three hours with a single touch of a button, basically removing the need to pre-amlification of DNA.
The Juno platform accommodates the needs of various customers including academic institutions, clinical labs, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agricultural biotechnologies companies – not only does it simplifies workflow, it produces high quality data and reduces costs. While Juno is ideal for researchers, it is not meant for diagnostic purposes.
Press Release: MarketWatch