Integra Biosciences Launches DOSE IT Peristaltic Pumps

Integra Biosciences, a leading provider of liquid handling solutions for laboratories has launched its DOSE IT peristaltic pumps for dispensing cell culture media. The new smart pump with different application methods and tubing can be programmed for dispensing liquids rapidly and accurately into almost any labware.
The new compact DOSE IT programmable pumps are capable of dispensing cell culture media, buffers and other solutions for volumes ranging anywhere between 0.1 ml to 999 ml. The equipment weighs less than 3.5 kg and has a very small footprint, making it ideal for bench-top or in-hood dispensing operations.
Integra’s DOSE IT has an easy to use interface that supports 6 different languages and it is easily programmable. The instrument’s pump head can accommodate tubing of diameters ranging from 1 mm to 8 mm and is suitable for dispensing over a wide range of volumes with optimal speed and precision. The in-built print function makes quality control and record keeping easier.
The DOSE IT CUSTOMIZE software suite can be used to create customized liquid handling protocols for more complex liquid handling procedures. It comes with an option to define up to 20 dispensing an aspiration steps, and various important parameters like flow rate, volume, repetitions etc. can be set for each step. DOSE IT even allows the users to increase or decrease the target speed to eliminate foaming, splashing and unwanted turbulence during dispensing.
Source: Integra