PCR Essential App Allows Remotely Interacting with Proflex PCR

PCR Essential App by Life Technologies has just become necessary for researchers working with Applied Biosystems’ ProflexTM PCR thermal cyclers. This is thanks to the new feature that lets users remotely interact and monitor ongoing reactions. Available for both Android and iOS, it lets users check run status or get automatic notifications on block availability, allows editing and saving run method files, helps in downloading run report files, and more via just smartphones/tablets. This could theoretically mean an end to long hours in the lab monitoring PCR runs and more efficient use of time. Not to forget putting those smartphones to some good use in the lab.
Other tools include a handy Mastermix Calculator, a video library that includes PCR tutorials, product info guides for Life Technologies’ products to help find and order Taq polymerases, cDNA products, dNTPs, etc. Also check out other apps from Life Technologies such as Beakr and SeqHerald and many others which aim to help make research a little more fun and efficient.