Updated: Pittcon 2015 Launches and Announcements

Pittcon 2015

The annual 2015 Pittsburgh Conference just concluded in New Orleans with torrent of announcements and conferences. Below are some of the notable announcements from the mecca of analytical equipment.

Thermo Fisher

–  Thermo Fisher announced the launch of the curiously named Vanquish ultra high-performance liquid chromatography. Equipped with Thermo Fisher’s Chromeleon Chromatography Data System, the UHPLC system promises ease-of-use and faster sample preparation.

– Thermo Fisher released the Q Executive Focus mass spectroscopy system based on the popular Orbitrap technology.

– Thermo Fisher announced the world’s first handheld combining Raman and FTIR spectrometry technologies called Gemini analyzer. The new analyzer is designed for use outside laboratories in rugged terrains.

– In the online tools section, Thermo Fisher announced the AppsLab Application Laboratory, an online knowledge base for analytical methods and an upgrade to its popular Thermo Scientific Sample Manager LIMS. LIMS now incorporates data visualization, method execution and laboratory management as well as offering seamless integration with all popular enterprise-level software packages.


Waters had a field day at Pittcon, winning Pittcon Editor’s Silver award for its Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging System. It is the first system ever to allow scientists to access desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) and enhanced matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) with ion mobility separation (IMS) in a single mass-spectrometry platform, therefore enabling researchers to identify different tissue types based on their molecular composition.


PerkinElmer had some new launches and some re-launches at Pittcon as well.

New Altus™ UPLC and HPLC liquid chromatography systems promising ease-of-use, high throughput and higher resolutions with reproducible results.

PerkinElmer also released the PinAAcle™ 500, a flame only atomic absorption spectrometer that gives the lowest cost per element when coupled with the recently released FAST Flame sample automation accessory.

PerkinElmer was one of the few companies which also announced the release of a new microscope, with the launch of Spotlight™ FT-IR Microscope System. It features an automated setup to enable rapid characterization. It comes in two setups, an everyday use Spectrum Two™ system and a specialized high sensitivity and flexibility Frontier™ FT-IR system.

Bruker Corporation

Bruker showcased some on it recent products at Pittcon. Some of the exceptional one’s are below:

D8 ENDEAVOR is the only X-ray diffraction system launches at PITTCON 2015, offering high speed and performance, thanks to its LYNXEYE XE detector.

Announced at last year’s AFM BioMed Conference, Bruker showcased the BRAVO handheld Raman spectrometer. It features the Duo LASER excitation that offers high sensitivity across the entire wavelength.

Accompanying the D8 ENDEAVOR was the launch of S2 PUMA energy dispersive X-ray flourescense system enables qualitative elemental analysis across a wide range of chemicals.

– Being Updated

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