xGen Universal Blocking Oligos for Efficient Target Capture

xGen Universal Blocking Oligos

Integrated DNA Technologies has added the new xGen Universal Blocking Oligos to its NGS product portfolio to make target capture experiments simpler. The new xGen Universal Blocking Oligos prevents cross-hybridization between adapter sequences, preventing non specific binding to increase the throughput of target capture experiments.

IDT’s xGen Universal Blocking Oligos bind to platform adapter sequences on designated strands and prevent the adapter sequences from hybridizing with each other during enrichment to prevent a “daisy chain” effect by off-target fragments from being captured along with on-target fragments. The xGen Universal Blocking Oligos can bind to all indexed adapters with a single oligonucleotide sequence, eliminating the need for multiple oligos to bind with each adapter while processing multiple samples simultaneously. This simplifies the target capturing and makes processing multiple samples more cost effective.

Researchers can order predesigned sequences suiting the commonly available adapter library preparation kits. The IDT xGen Universal Blocking Oligos along with xGen Lockdown Probes and Panels makes up the company’s xGen Target Capture range for next generation sequencing that empowers researchers to focus on relevant genomic regions or transcripts, detecting SNPs , insertions and deletions etc. xGen Universal Blocking Oligos can now be ordered for Illumina TruSeq and Ion Torrent systems.

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