Beakr Social Networking App for Researchers

Almost everyone carries a smartphone in their pockets these days, and many of them have apps like Facebook, Google+ or Foursquare installed in it which is used to update the users’ profile by checking in from places they have been to and people they have been with. Now, a new app for iOS developed by Life Technologies exclusively for labrats allows them to check-in and share experiments and its outcomes from their laboratories.
The Beakr app for Apple devices is a new experiment check-in app that allows researchers to check in their day-to-day experiments as and when it is completed. This app allows users to track the frequency of their experiments and its success and failure rates, share it with friends and earn badges.
The Beakr app has an inbuilt list of common day to day tasks and experiments in the lab, ranging from cleaning and organizing the lab to complex assays. Users can easily check into these experiments on the list and can also upload an optional photo for each check-in and share the same on their Facebook timeline.
Working in a lab with Beakr can be fun. One can keep count of their check-ins, connect with other users all over the world and compare scores with them. Also one can win badges by checking in regularly at specific times, experiments to achieve milestones. The app is available for download at the Apple app store.