Excellims IA3100 for Complete HPLC-HPIMS Solution

Excellims has introduced IA3100 High Performance Ion Mobility Spectrometry (HPIMS) system for HPLC systems. This technology provides advanced 2D separations allowing unparalleled detection for complex matrices and challenging isomers.
The addition of IA3100 HPIMS further strengthens the Ion Mobility solutions portfolio for chemical detection offered by Excellims. Separation in LC is based on the polarity or the molecules while ion mobility spectrometry separates based on its size and shape. Coupling HPIMS detector with HPLC instrument provides orthogonal separation enhancing the system’s ability to analyze variety of compounds and mixtures including the ones with coeluting peaks or compounds with similar drift times.
HPIMS has about 70+ resolving power with superior speed, making it ideal for high throughput analysis and screening. It can be combined with or used in place of chromatography and mass spectroscopy. Excellims IA3100 HPLC-HPIMS system can be used for simultaneous comprehensive analytical separation and detection of complex samples in an integrated HPLC. It provides standalone and transportable configurations with flexible sampling accessories making it suitable for applications requiring robust analysis both in laboratories and out in the field.
IA3100 HPLC-HPIMS system was introduced in PITTCON 2013 and it can be used for a wide range of applications in the manufacture of chemicals and pharmaceuticals including reaction monitoring, content uniformity, cleaning verification and many more.
Source: Excellims